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Announcement of our school’s EMI teacher certification categories

According to the regulations on the English teaching rewards and certification regulations of our school, the subsequent annual hourly fee subsidy ratio will be determined according to the teacher certification category.

The following are the relevant regulations of our school for teacher certification categories.

1. International certification

Please provide certificates of completion of the following international EMI training programs:

1.Oxford EMI Training

2.Cambridge English Certificate in EMI Skills

3. National Taiwan Normal University EMI Training (NTNU EMI Training)

4.UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Learning Support in Higher Education

5. EMI training course conducted by the University of Adelaide, Australia

International EMI training courses should last for more than 36-40 hours (inclusive).

2. National teaching experience of English department

Please provide proof of teaching experience in English-speaking countries.

3. Obtaining a degree from an English-speaking country

The academic information provided by the Human Resources Office of our school shall prevail.

4. English test score reaches C1 level

Please provide official certification documents of CEFR C1 level or above.

CEFR language proficiency C1 level (fluent level) Effective Operational Proficiency reference standard

NEW TOEIC New TOEIC test: 945 points (listening 490 and reading 455)
TOEFL TOEFL iBT (online): 95 points (inclusive) or above
IELTS: 6.5 or above
Cambridge Main SuiteCambridge Main Suite: CAE (Certificate in Advanced English)
BULATS ALTE Cambridge Business: Level 4 75~89 points
Linguaskill General Cambridge Linguaskill Practical English Test: 180 or above
GEPT: Advanced (75-90 points or above) Level 1
5. Pass domestic or on-campus certification

(1) Domestic certification

Please provide proof of passing the EMI training course at a domestic university.

Participate in EMI training courses provided by key schools or colleges under the EMI program of the Ministry of Education, such as National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, National Cheng Kung University, and National Sun Yat-sen University, and pass the selection and obtain a certificate.

(2) On-campus certification

Please provide proof of passing the test in the "EMI Teaching" workshop conducted by our school.

The "EMI Teaching" workshop is organized by the Bilingual Teaching Resource Center, and experts and scholars in related fields are invited as lecturers to conduct discussions and practice on English teaching techniques. The content of the study is English teaching skills, which is conducted in the form of discussion and practice. Participants need to go on stage to try out the teaching and participate in the entire process. They will be awarded a certificate after being selected by the workshop teaching experts.

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