
【醫學院新興病毒分子醫學國際碩士學位學程公告】2023/6/1(四)10:00 AM ~ 12:00 PM 線上講座:Diversity, pathogenicity and pandemic potential of zoonotic paramyxoviruses – Benhur Lee教授

三年多來COVID-19危害造成的全球人類生命、健康、經濟的巨大損失。雖然無法預測下次造成全球大流行的傳染病,但全世界科學家們仍持續深入研究跨物種病毒傳播及致病性。新興病毒分醫學程特別邀請美國紐約西奈山醫學院(Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)的病毒學家Benhur Lee教授,於台灣時間2023年6月1日上午10點發表他在人畜共通的paramyxoviruses的最新研究,講題為Diversity, pathogenicity and pandemic potential of zoonotic paramyxoviruses。歡迎大家上線聆聽。

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a catastrophic impact on human health, claiming numerous lives and inflicting a huge economic burden. While it may not be possible to predict which pathogen will cause the next pandemic, scientists are endeavoring to investigate the pathogenic viruses that may be transmitted from animals to humans. To learn about the potential zoonotic viruses that scientists are investigating, we invited professor Benhur Lee, who is a famous virologist from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, to give a webinar talk about his latest studies on zoonotic paramyxoviruses. The time will be at 10 AM on June 1st, 2023 (Taiwan time).
The Microsoft Teams link is https://reurl.cc/qkqrgE
