
【醫學院教師能力發展中心111學年度教學能力提升演講】(2023/4/27 星期四)


★講題:On the use of robotic devices for neurorehabilitation and proprioceptive training (採全英文講授)
★摘要:The talk addresses the development of robotic device for neurorehabilitation. The system is integrated with a visual virtual reality environment that can provide movement feedback and can serve as an interface for visual-based training regimes. The main purpose is to respond directly to identified customer needs. The target population is stroke survivors and Parkinson’s disease.
★講者:Dr. Jürgen Konczak;The School of Kinesiology at the University of Minnesota
★聯絡資訊:廖珮鈞Pei-Chun Liao,413-5439

1. 此次活動研習時數1小時。
2. 請教師衡酌時間,確認可全程參與再報名,並準時出席,逾開始時間20分鐘恕不給予簽到。
3. 為了對演講者表示尊重,及避免違反學術倫理行為,請現場與會教師全程參加並親自簽到、簽退。未完成簽退者,本次研習將無法納入教師成長時數。
