
長庚大學智慧運算學院辦理國外專家學者2023.03.29 (三) 14:00-15:00講座

【演講公告】Leveraging Machine Learning to Improve Human Decision Making – 美國華盛頓大學資工系 何建儒教授

講題:Leveraging Machine Learning to Improve Human Decision Making



時間:2023.03.29 (三) 14:00-15:00



講者介紹:Chien-Ju Ho is an assistant professor in Computer Science & Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. Previously, he was a postdoctoral associate at Cornell University. He earned his PhD in Computer Science from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2015 and spent three years visiting the EconCS group at Harvard from 2012 to 2015. He is the recipient of the Google Outstanding Graduate Research Award at UCLA in 2015. His work was nominated for Best Paper Award at WWW 2015 and HCOMP 2021. His research broadly connects to the fields of machine learning, optimization, behavioral sciences, and algorithmic economics. He is interested in investigating the interactions between humans and AI, including enabling AI algorithms to learn from humans (e.g., in the context of crowdsourcing) and designing AI algorithms to assist human decision-making (e.g., through information design and environment design).

演講大綱:Machine learning (ML) has gained significant progress in the past decade. With the improving predictive power, ML has been increasingly involved in decision making in our daily life. In the meantime, humans are known to often make suboptimal decisions due to heuristics and biases (mental shortcuts we use to make quick but suboptimal decisions). In this talk, I'll discuss some of my recent works in leveraging machine learning to improve human decision making, through updating the decision making environment or designing or designing information to show to human decision makers.




承辦人:林怡秀 電話:413-3093
