Registration for Chang Gung University's "EMI Teaching" workshop for the 112-2 academic year begins

1. Origin: To recruit international students to promote internationalization and improve the English professional ability of local students, it is necessary to train our teachers in EMI teaching skills and teaching standards. We plan to invite experts in related fields to discuss English teaching skills and how to assist EMI through technology. Conduct research and implementation on teaching, hoping to improve the quality of EMI teaching by our teachers.

2. Purpose:

(1) Assist teachers in their professional growth.

(2) Promote teachers’ ability to use EMI in teaching.

3. Time: July 11 (Thursday), July 12 (Friday), July 19 (Friday), 2024, 9:00~12:00 am, 13:00~16:00 pm, a total of 18 hours Study workshops. (Only those who need to sign in and out every day and participate in the whole process and pass the evaluation of demonstration teaching can obtain the certificate. If you are unable to participate in the whole process, please do not register)

4. Location: Future Classroom, Center for Bilingual Education, Chang Gung University (9th Floor, Management Building)

5. Sponsor: Chang Gung University Center for Bilingual Education.

6. Participants and number of participants

(1) Object:

1. Teachers in our school (priority will be given to new teachers, teachers who have not been EMI certified in the past, and teachers who have participated in EMI teaching but have not yet obtained EMI certification).

2. Teacher at Chang Gung University of Science and Technology.

(2) Number of people: 25 people. (Those who register successfully but are absent without reason will affect the admission consideration for future registrations).

(3) Certification: After registering, our school teachers must attend the workshop on time. Those who participate in the entire process and pass the review by the workshop teaching experts will be certified as "EMI teaching" qualified teachers by the Academic Affairs Office and issued a school certification certificate.

7. Processing method:

This workshop is conducted in the form of discussion and practice, and participants are required to go on stage to demonstrate teaching.

8. Registration deadline: From now until 5:00 pm on July 2, 2024 (Tuesday). If the registration quota is full, the registration form will be closed in advance(The organizer will notify successful applicants).

9. The registration website is as follows: (Please complete registration and upload photos and files before July 2, 2024).

Undertaken by: Teng Yen Fen Tel: 03-2118800 extension 5978