【醫學院生物醫學研究所公告】2023/5/5(五) 15:00~17:00 Professor Stephen P. Watson 在工學大樓六樓第一會議廳舉行演講


Professor Watson is a British Heart Foundation Professor in Cardiovascular Sciences and Cellular Pharmacology, University of Birmingham. His research focuses mainly on the mechanisms of platelet activation by tyrosine kinase-linked receptors. Several platelet activation receptors such as GPVI, CLEC-2, FcRII, and PEAR1 have been identified by his research team. Novel antiplatelet agents that target these receptors in thrombi-inflammatory diseases have also been developed. With his tremendous achievements in platelet biology and pharmacology, Professor Watson was elected as the British Heart Foundation Professor (2002), the Fellow of Academy of Medical Sciences (2002), and the Fellow of the British Pharmacology Society (2012).
