【醫學院早期療育研究所公告】EMI活動-112年4月21日(五) 20:00 - 22:00美國約翰霍普金斯大學Lynne Mainzer 教授學術線上演講

You are invited to attend the webinar delivered by Dr. Lynne Mainzer, Johns Hopkins University, USA.
Contact person:Wan-Ju Chiu
Contact number:409-3662

Topic of presentation:
Using the Power of Teaming to Advance Implementation Fidelity

Dr. Lynne Mainzer
Deputy Director of CTE ( Center for Technology in Education )
Associate professor at the School of Education
Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Lin-Ju Kang
Graduate Institute of Early Intervention
College of Medicine
Chang Gung University

DATE: April 21 (Friday), 2023
TIME: 20:00 - 22:00 PM
Teams Webinar:https://reurl.cc/MRXG4p
Registration: https://forms.gle/4ViqfmsZph9wLtrK7

Brief profile of Professor Lynne Mainzer:
Dr. Lynne Mainzer, Deputy Director of CTE and associate professor at the School of Education, has provided leadership as a principal investigator,
co-principal investigator, and director for many of the center’s largest grant-funded projects since 1993. As the primary architect of Boundless Learning and Boundless Learning Co-Teaching, she leads the ongoing development, implementation, and evaluation of the program in schools nationwide. Prior to joining CTE, she was a special educator in Maryland schools, received an Outstanding Teacher of the Year award, and was one of the first coordinators of the nationally recognized JHU Success for All program.